Close Read- Let' Em play God (StudySync).
1.) Model- Answer the Skill Focus Questions (1-5), highlighting and making annotation notes directly into the Model Text.
2.) Do the Write (StudySync), answering the following prompt:
Why does Hitchcock call the art of suspense in his movies “letting the audience play God”? Analyze the meaning of the metaphor as Hitchcock intends it, referring to (citing) examples in the text.
*** You do not need to peer review.
3.) Be sure to submit your work for on-time credit!!!
*** Homework if not finished in class!
Monday, August 21, 2017
~ Last day to work on The Evil Project . ~ Essay, slideshow, and research page due by midnight TONIGHT (Google Classroom). ~ Presentat...
- Study Sync: Let' em Play God * Second Read * Deconstructing the text: Group Activity with Worksheet * Think Questions if time
~ The Tell- Tale Heart- Class Debate Prep (The Insanity Plea). *** Debate starts tomorrow. No argument will be heard without direct quote...