In Study Sync: Do the following Write assignment:
Write a persuasive essay of a minimum 400 words, making a case for the character or characters who have the biggest impact on the novel. Your essay should consider many options leading up to your final decision and should bring in as many themes from the reading as seem relevant. For example, which character or characters are connected to the theme of the beast? The theme of aggression? Keeping your head about you while others are losing theirs? Surviving? Your final decision may be a single character; it may be a pair of equal importance in their interaction. The choice must be supported with ample evidence from the text Lord of the Flies. So—get ready for your close-ups, Jack, Ralph, Simon, Roger, and Piggy! You too, littleuns!
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
~ Last day to work on The Evil Project . ~ Essay, slideshow, and research page due by midnight TONIGHT (Google Classroom). ~ Presentat...
- Study Sync: Let' em Play God * Second Read * Deconstructing the text: Group Activity with Worksheet * Think Questions if time
~ The Tell- Tale Heart- Class Debate Prep (The Insanity Plea). *** Debate starts tomorrow. No argument will be heard without direct quote...